Malteurop is one of the world's leading producers of malt, a natural, grain-based ingredient. We belong to 10,500 farmers: we exist because they exist. CSR is an integral part of our strategy because it must be part of everything we do.

Our new global approach & first report

CSR is central to our identity and values. It permeates everything we do. And Malteurop’s approach to CSR can be summarized in one sentence: serving our customers while taking good care of people and the planet. We have sought to synthesize our approach in a way that reflects our business. The four pillars of our CSR approach can thus be summarized with the acronym MALT


We don’t just make malt, we do MALT.


M | Men & Women

People are our most valuable asset. Malteurop aims to be a great place to work, and to provide all its employees with an environment in which they can thrive and grow along with the company. The company attempts to do this in five areas: ethics, people development, talent management, well-being in the workplace, and equity.

Our main commitment : Malteurop is committed to spending 3% of its payroll costs on training by 2022.


A | Agriculture of tomorrow

As a major maltster, it’s our responsibility to look beyond the scope of our business by encouraging sustainable agriculture upstream. We have been farmer-maltsters since 1961. For us, caring for the grain is more than a culture; it’s in our nature. And for us, it is the right way to make the best malt. Malteurop is committed to doing this through sustainable agriculture, sustainable sourcing, and research on barley varieties.

Our main objective : 50% of the barley in our malt will be SAI*-certified by 2022.

*SAI : Sustainable Agriculture Initiative

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L | Lower our impact

Malteurop is committed to reducing its impact on the environment for current and future generations by paying particular attention to our water consumption, our CO2 emissions, and our carbon footprint from transportation, and from raw material production.

Our main objective : We are targeting a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions and a 25% reduction in water consumption by 2025 (compared to 2014/15).

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T | Take care

We believe strongly in looking after people; internally, by developing a safety culture to ensure our employees return home safely to their families every evening; and externally, by taking care of our suppliers, customers, and the local communities in the regions we operate in. We also aim to protect consumers by guaranteeing food safety. We respect the rules and regulations wherever we operate through the implementation of rigorous compliance standards.

Our main priority: We aim to completely eradicate accidents leading to permanent disability.
