Malteurop Spain (Intermalta) has worked with AENOR, an international agency specializing in the certification of sustainable processes, focusing on the zero-waste principles of REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE.


As a result, we undertook a rigorous analysis of our waste flows and developed an annual waste reduction plan. Thanks to Sofía Torcal, Management Systems Leader, Carlos Alvarez-Fernandez General Manager and the exceptional teamwork achieved at all our sites, we are delighted to announce that Spain has been certified "AENOR ZERO WASTE" in December 2023.

This certification is a crucial step in our journey towards sustainability and reinforces our environmental commitment throughout our value chain, and is in line with our new sustainable development policy, LINK.

Next step: certification of the Maltibérica site in Portugal in 2024. We look forward to meeting this new challenge and promoting sustainable practices throughout the region.